Information on the processing of personal data within the meaning of art. 13 of Legislative Decree No. 196/2003
With the present disclosure, Blasio Helium Fireworks want to provide you with all the information required by art. 13 of Legislative Decree No. 30 June 2003 n. 196 (Personal Data Protection Code, hereinafter referred to as the “Privacy Code”).
To Blasio Helium Fireworks collects and uses your personal data through this site in accordance with the rules of the Privacy Code as well as in compliance with the Recommendation n. 2/2001 that the European authorities for the protection of personal data gathered in the Group established by art. 29 of directive n. 95/46/CE, adopted on 17 May 2001 to identify certain minimum requirements for the collection of personal data online.
The conferment of your personal data is necessary for the delivery and management of experiences by the Blasio Helium Fireworks . Therefore lack of conferment, even partial, of the same will determine the impossibility for the Blasio Helium Fireworks to proceed to the allocation of the assistance you require.
To Blasio Helium Fireworks may use your personal data – after your express consent – even for commercial and marketing related to the promotion of products or promotional initiatives such as, by way of example and not of limitation, sending email newsletter with promotional messages or advertisements or with the transfer of your data to third parties for the same purposes. To Blasio Helium Fireworks may also use your data for the detection of the quality of the services provided and to carry out market surveys. In these cases your consent is optional and the failure to release of the same will not allow you to receive commercial information from part of the Blasio Helium Fireworks or to participate in promotional initiatives proposed or that your data is transferred to third parties.
To Blasio Helium Fireworks is the personal data of users who do not register but that access however at this site. In this case we inform you that the computer systems and the software responsible for the operation of these sites acquire during their normal exercise, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols. Such information is not collected to be associated to identified interested parties, but also by their very nature could, through elaborations and associations, allow the identification of the user of the site. This category includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by the users who connect to the site, the addresses in the notation url of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in reply, etc.
We would like to remind you that Article 7 of the Privacy Code, you also gives the possibility to exercise specific rights, including those of obtaining from Blasio Helium Fireworks of the confirmation of the existence or not of the personal data that concerns you and making them available in an intelligible form; to have knowledge of the origin of the data, as well as the logic and the purposes on which the treatment is based; to obtain the cancellation, Transformation in anonymous form or the block of data treated in violation of the law, as well as the updating, the rectification or, if there is interest, integration of data; to oppose to treatment for legitimate reasons or oppose, in every moment, to treatments aimed at the marketing and commercial information. In order to enforce these rights, you can turn directly to the Blasio Helium fireworks at the address indicated above.
Holder of the treatment is to Blasio Helium Firework you , with registered office in Via Nazionale 21, 64100 Loc. Caprafico TE, Italy. The complete list of those responsible for the treatment and of the third-party owners of autonomous treatments related to those carried out by the Blasio Helium Firework can be known easily and for free you ask directly to Blasio Helium Firework .
Privacy policy
for the Blasio Helium Firework the protection of personal data of its customers is very important. We have therefore decided to devote a part of the internet site of the Blasio Helium Firework to description of our Privacy Policy.
The holder of the treatment
holder of the treatment is to Blasio Helium Firework , with registered office in Via Nazionale 21, 64100 Loc. Caprafico TE, Italy.
Type of data handled
the types of data and information collected and processed by the Blasio Helium Firework are two:
Navigation data
Information systems and the software procedures used for the functioning of the site of Blasio Helium Firework(from here onwards only site) acquire during their normal exercise, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols.
All this information is not collected to be associated to identified interested parties, but by their very nature could, through elaborations and associations with data held by third parties, allow to identify the users.
This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by the users who connect to the internet site addresses URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in reply, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (done, error, etc.) and other parameters related to the operating system and the computer environment of the user.
These data are used only to obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and to check its correct functioning and is deleted immediately after processing. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the site.
Data provided voluntarily by the user
The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of electronic mail to the addresses indicated on the internet sites which are attributable to the Blasio Helium Firework entails the subsequent acquisition of the address of the sender, necessary to respond to requests, as well as any other personal data inserted in the missive.
Specific summary information will be progressively reported or displayed in the pages of the site designated for special services on request.
The user of the site gives voluntarily their personal data in order to be able to proceed with the purchase of the Experiences or services present on the internet sites of the Blasio Helium Firework .
The data supplied by the user who buys an experience or a service on one of the internet sites of the Blasio Helium Firework can be the following:
Such data are preserved by the Blasio Helium Firework in compliance with the Italian law on electronic commerce. The refusal to provide the above data on the part of the user causes the inability to complete the registration and to take advantage of experience or of the services offered on the internet sites of the Blasio Helium Firework .
The following policy about cookies is arranged by the Blasio Helium Firework to describe the types of cookies used on the website and on the platform and to describe the reasons and conditions of use of the same. It is not possible to consult the Web Site or purchase the experiences or the services offered without sending on the user device some cookies.
Continuing in navigation, therefore, the user authorises the Blasio Helium Firework to use some of their own cookies. However it is possible to disable and to avoid the use of specific types of cookies by configuring your browser settings, as better specified in point 3 of this section.
2.Types of cookies, the nature and purpose of the data collected to Blasio Helium Firework uses the following types of cookies:
Google Analytics – Google Map
Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
Rights of the persons concerned
the article 7 of the Privacy Code also gives users of the internet sites of the Blasio Helium Firework the possibility to exercise specific rights, including those of obtaining from Blasio Helium Firework the confirmation of the existence or not of personal data that concern them and making them available in an intelligible form; to have knowledge of the origin of the data, as well as the logic and the purposes on which the treatment is based; to obtain the cancellation, transformation in anonymous form or the block of data treated in violation of the law, as well as the updating, the rectification or, if there is interest, integration of data; to oppose to treatment, for legitimate reasons, i.e. to oppose in every moment, to treatments aimed Marketing and commercial information.
In order to enforce these rights, you can turn directly to the Blasio Helium Firework at the address indicated above.
Change of these terms
This Privacy Policy may be subject to changes and modifications in time. It will be our care to make known these changes through the publication of them on the site.
Enquiries, complaints and suggestions
Anyone interested in more information, to contribute with their suggestions or advance complaints or disputes regarding the Privacy Policy of the Blasio Helium Firework or on the way in which the Blasio Helium Firework deals with personal data, can proactively contact us using the form provided on the bottom of the page.